Every night when light dies from the lamp and a real night comes,
Then Sandman will rise up and knock quietly on the door
He has blue slippers and he's tiptoying with them
He is creeping in and jumps behind the closet
And he's wearing a sleepy cap and sleepy,blue belt
And he's eating sleepy icecream block with small teeth
And he has a blue car and the car is humming like this:
Surrur,surrur and and so he goes till the blue dream land
And that small umbrella is very tilted,
And he's carrying a blue book of dreams in his underarm
And he's taking the children in the blue dreamland with his car
Surrur,surrur and the road till there is a blue,sleepy road
And there is a golden wood,and in the wood a golden tree
And a blue bird of the dreams and that bird has a golden mouth
And that blue bird of the dreams is lulling the children
And she is singing a sleepy song