In order to escape the solitude of separating from you, I'd rather stay with discomfort.
In fact your obsession of possession is eating on my blood and body. I'm afraid that I'll know better.
I can't stand being a withered tree of emptiness. That's why I linger in this crowded jail.
I understand that you are obsessed with taking control. Considering that, I won't put myself on detoxicaion even if I'm addicted.
If I didn't dedicate my face, who else would you slap on? How would this scar stop itching without a few slaps?
I'm unwise to take obedience as kindness, but will you become kind? You'll only be more arbitrary.
Maybe even when I feel too stifled to stay, I can't quit my desire to bathe in blood.
Maybe I have long been in love with sailing the bitter sea in calmness with my kidnapper,
forgiving your increasingly evil love and satisfying my expected disappointment.
It doesn't matter if I'm going crazy in my blind pride
or ordeal and submission to your abuse.
It doesn't matter as long as I can suffer for you and even enjoy that.
In order to escape the relaxing solitude, I'd rather stay in nerve-racking comfort.
I've come to terms with the devised situation. Now that it's coming to an end, neither love nor pain will hurt my body.
Like in a war movie, better there's death or hurt. If one is not even scared to scream, he won't cry a good cry.
I play weak just to fulfill your wish and for you to whip your fun. Evil requires a good partner.
Maybe I've never felt stifled or inclined to surrender, licking up my forehead sweating because of you.
Maybe I've long been used to sleeping in the same bed with my kidnapper.
Who would guess that you and I would cooperate to love each other to death?
There should have been some moments when I dreamed of ways to escape, but I can't quit my desire to compromise.
Maybe I have long been in love with sailing the bitter sea in calmness with my kidnapper.
My desire of love is under your extortion, but that maybe helps stimulating my heart.
It doesn't matter if I'm going crazy in my blind pride
or ordeal and submission to your abuse.
It doesn't matter as long as I can suffer for you and even enjoy that.
If I didn't give you the delight to take control, how would your bloat up in excitement?
I play weak just to fulfill your wish and for you to whip your fun. Evil requires a good partner.
Maybe I've never felt stifled or inclined to surrender, licking up my forehead sweating because of you.
Maybe I've long been used to sleeping in the same bed with my kidnapper.
Who would guess that you and I would cooperate to love each other to death?
There should have been some moments when I dreamed of ways to escape, but I can't quit my desire to compromise.
Maybe I have long been in love with sailing the bitter sea in calmness with my kidnapper.
My desire of love is under your extortion, but that maybe helps stimulating my heart.
It doesn't matter if I'm going crazy in my blind pride
or ordeal and submission to your abuse.
Look, who's the one that buries happiness?
Don't complain that you're innocent or wronged. In this bloody case,
you enjoy that much only thanks to my suffering.
I'm the accomplice, absolutely the accomplice.