I know a girl from Torino
who has a half-empty eye and a full eye*
she always talks about going away
without any place to go to
it’s just about getting on the first flight available
we are who we are
we got here bare as we were
we parked far away
there’s a song playing in the distance
half way of our life’s way**
I realized I did not understand
but then there was a distraction
or maybe it was a sunstroke
that taught me there’s nothing to understand
from among all those roads
we just chose one
at all those crossroads
not a single sign
from among all those roads
we end up taking one
somebody must have dropped us there
we are who we are
one day there was a double rainbow
one day they breastfed us
one day they spilled wine on us
we are who we are
we got here as bare as we were
we parked far away
don’t call me, I’ll call you
I know a girl from Salerno
who never lowered her gaze
she doesn’t know what peace is
she can’t sleep if the light’s not on
one more sign of the cross (prayer)
of all those roads
get to know one at least
nobody has walked it yet
nobody will
at all those crossroads
make head or tails
somebody must have dropped us there
we are who we are
an apple’s worth for Adam
the time for an umpteenth breath
and antibodies produced by poison
we are who we are
the fog may be rising up from the bare hills***
you can't step twice in the same river****
you never stop feeling hungry
I know the reality reflected by the mirror
and I know you can’t run away from that
every day it becomes more obvious to me
that those wrinkles are simply
the opportunities I never took a shot at
we are who we are
we got here as bare as we were
a song is playing in the distance
Could you just be a bit gentler?