Tell her to come back.
Tell her I'm dying
Since I don't have her near me.
Tell her, if you see her around.
That sweetie1 who used to be mine,
I used to love her so much!
One awful day she told me good-bye.
She left and she hit the road that leads away from me.
I worship her so much.
She left my soul in grief.
Who told her to leave?
Caramba!2 I can't live without her.
I keep a letter
Containing her poems and her wishes.
Every time I feel her loss,3 caramba,
I open it and read it.
You who know my grief,
If one day you see her out walking,
Tell her I still love her, caramba!
You have to tell her! If you see her around.
1. I know "mujer" means "woman" but that's so pedestrian. And something more affectionate seems more in the mood of the song anyway.2. This doesn't really need to be translated, does it? It's like saying, "Ow! Ow! Ow!" in English. It's just a vocal noise to express pain, of the psychological kind, of course.3. "Every time I miss her" seems a little too weak to capture the meaning of this line.