I'll sing you a song of old, of past,
I'll sing you a ballad of a rose.
Once upon many years ago,
There were two roses, two roses.
It was a while ago, in days long gone,
One was white, another was red.
Children of one garden, like two brothers,
They grew leaves and thorns.
When came the morning pure of light,
The white rose opened its eyes,
When the eve came and the day declined,
The red rose closed its eyes.
And in the nights, and in the nights,
The winds blew softly.
This way they flowered until came a hand,
A hand that picked one rose.
And we don't know till today -
Was it the white or the red.
We only know that the remaining one
Was heartbroken, heartbroken...
Once upon many years ago,
There were two roses, two roses.
It was a while ago, in days long gone,
One was white, another was red.