So many people's blood has been splashed on the sun;
Who has heard about raining (blood) from the earth to the sky?
The throat of the lover cane fifers got torn,
with the cane spears severed from canebrakes.
It is not a breeze, No! It is a dread feeling; A dread feeling to become gallows,
That shakes the body of the poplars.
A mirage of safety this is, not safety;
That forayed the companions' belief.
As a collapsed well, I am collapsing into myself;
For the night has arrived and the sick ones have got more devastated.
Do not compliment to appease me;
Do not hold mirror against the self-hatred ones.
Where do the aware ones get imprisoned in the glass
to be in the devil's stoneshot and to get stoned by him?
So many people's blood has been splashed on the sun.