Neither you saw it, nor did I
It came without a warning
Neither you heard it, not did I
It just came into our hearts
This unknown thing called "love" that everyone talks about
It just wrapped us in it's arms
Look at fate, look at fate
It made us suffer a lot
Now as if it's apologizing
It just said "love" to our hearts
Neither you called it, nor did I
Neither you understood it, nor did I
Gently gently, silently silently
It's love that makes us happy
In our short lives
What is there really if love didn't exist?
What would've happened if
Break-ups didn't fade away our world
The heart wishes that, while loving and being loved
There should be a miracle, and the time should stop
There is no 'time', there is no 'time'
Love is an unknown, it has no 'time'
My tongue has said strong phrases
Love has no 'time'