I've been wounded with a shining arrow,
I can't be healed.
I've been shot in the heart -
What else could I wish for?
I wish the night were tender,
I wish there was a way
Old straight way of our love.
And we all keep silent,
We all believe and wait;
We all sing about ourselves,
What else could we sing of?
But it's as if something's wrong,
As if the colours have faded
As if again you're not enough for us,
Silver of my Lord, Silver of Lord,
Do I really know the words to describe you?
Silver of my Lord, Silver of Lord,
Higher than words, higher than stars, as high as our longing.
And like a village blacksmith ,
I'll come out of the dark.
Followed in my path
by nobody else.
And maybe I was blind,
And maybe it's not like that,
But I know what will await just before the end of the way;
Silver of my Lord, Silver of Lord,
Do I really know the words to describe you?
Silver of my Lord, Silver of Lord,
Higher than words, higher than stars, as high as our longing.