Saturday night, viewing’s bleak,
Across the courtyard, a piano plays.
It's raining out, Mam’s asleep
between the potato chips and beer.
EuroMillions - all for nix,
"Songs of Praise", News at Ten.
Dad has long since gone to bed.
After Match of the Day, he was canned.
"United will never win the league...",
he says, and anyway: he wants his peace.
Saturday night. Perfectly still,
another late film on the TV
Something about a spy,
who can see right through walls.
Cadillacs and crime and sex.
Slapstick and a lot of nonsense.
With a show-down and a happy end
and a deceitful French kiss.
Just as we’ve seen it in a thousand films.
And then finally, transmission ends.
Now I’m here in Augsburg, out in front the hall.
I've been hanging around since just after three,
left home at the end of the movie,
quietly, through the front door - out, free.
I was a little scared of course.
What do you mean, you’d freeze at night?
better if I’d packed a little more,
And not just this writing pad.
All the way to Frankfurt in a container truck,
and since Stuttgart, scribbling these lines.
Oh yeah, Kerstin is my name.
I come from Kalk.
I'll be fifteen, later this year.
You must be thinking I’ve a screw loose.
Sure, why else would I follow you here?!
You say there are no more jobs to be had,
long since filled - you don’t need me.
"Shit, man!", I missed my chance, too bad
I thought you’d have understood.
Well, the realization drives me mad,
that you too have let me down?!!