Everyone is a ballad singer
Many faces in the memory
Much of everything so much of nothing
The words of so many people.
So much dark so much color
Such annoyance so much love
So much nonsense so many passions
Such silence so many songs.
You too so present
So alone in my mind
You who always will love me
You who swear and I swear too
You too my love
So certain and so beautiful.
You too will become
Like an old refrain
That no one sings anymore
Like an old refrain.
- always
- always
- always
- always
- always
You too will become
Like an old refrain
That no one sings anymore
Like an old refrain
That no one sings anymore.
Everyone is a ballad singer
Many faces in the memory
Much of everything so much of nothing
The words of so many people.
You too so present
So alone in my mind
You who always will love me
You who swear and I swear too
You too my love
So certain and so beautiful
You too will become
Like an old refrain
That no one sings anymore
Like an old refrain
That no no one sings anymore.