If you were as...
my drums...I could beat you whenever I want
and you would not go away
I would play you until the evening
then I would let you rest and with a beat of a bass drum
I would come to wake you
If you were as
my new bass guitar,
even if you are too high
it is all right, all right the same
I would tear you...I would pass from funky to smooth
with a passage against times
I would say you how much I love you
you are not all that
but you are not all that
If you were as
my poor keyboard
all these black and white keys
how many places to touch
and with a simple fa sol I would play sweet songs with you
I would not make you to play wrong notes
the more I play you, the more I love you
If you were as my small guitar
if you hurt me
I can also forget you
I would have six strings to play
A plectrum to enjoy
electronic at night and classical in daylight
but you are not all that
but you are not all that
what a pity, what a pity
but you are not all that
it would be beautiful and I would not play without you
it would be beautiful and I would not play without you
I would not play