Why do you keep studying me?
You are no Einstein
Why do you measure angles?
This is no sine or cosine
Pushing and pulling
That’s not quite my style
If you’re gonna give up in the middle
You’d better stay away from my heart
You think too much, that’s your problem
Being stuck in your head will do no good
Quit wasting time measuring angles, finding answers
Better make a move
Love ain’t a science
Don’t need no license
The more you sit there thinking, it’s a minus
Don’t try to be a genius
Why so serious?
Follow your heart Wooah
Let your heart lead you What u, what u waiting for?
So what’d you find out
about me so far?
What’s the next subject?
So what’s the next class, then?
Keep doing it this way and it’ll only end in failure
My mind changes every minute
You’ll never figure it out
You think too much, that’s your problem
Being stuck in your head will do no good
Quit wasting time measuring angles, finding answers
Better make a move
Love ain’t a science
Don’t need no license
The more you sit there thinking, it’s a minus
Don’t try to be a genius
Why so serious?
Follow your heart Wooah
Let your heart lead you What u, what u waiting for?
You got a crush on me
You’re gonna fall for me
Theory is no good when it comes to love, It’s all useless, uh-huh
Rather than Mr. Know-all Genius Einstein
More like a bulldozer Curious Frankenstein
Charge forward, clumsy yet fascinating
Straight away, push hard Rush
Got a crush on me
Why don’t you know it’s fun cuz the answer’s missing, why
don’t you know it’s exciting cuz the answer’s unknown
Let our love be like having a screw loose
Like a fool who knows only one and nothing else
Love ain’t a science, uhm-uhm
Need no license, uhm-uhm
Learn more About me ’bout me
Already enough You know ’bout me
Love ain’t a science, uhm-uhm
Need no license, uhm-uhm
I told ya What u, what u, what u waiting for?
Love ain’t a science
Don’t need no license
The more you sit there thinking, it’s a minus
Don’t try to be a genius
Why so serious?
Follow your heart Wooah
Let your heart lead you What u, what u waiting for?