Swords, bodies
Breathless images that are spellbound in the mind
Stabs, hits, suspense
Burned on the skin
Here it is on fire, a place of refuge
Where I can always be found calm
Before the grimaces, idols, and lightning
That the war god sent me
Like from brooding in turmoil
I am lifted by a death blow
Yet I saw every eye
"Observe!" was demanded
Ice touches softly affects the senses
When the dead voices speak
"Be the bearer of these rings
Carry them home, don't forget me!"
I swore to them
My words are the world
This strength keeps me going
I swore to them
This magic continues to urge me on
On the path to victory and failure
I swore to them
I restlessly ride through the lands
There, where the ring points to
And I now feel every band
The redemption promised to me
And there I see these eyes
From the origins of man
It seems he doesn't trust the sight
Because he recognized the rings
I was once obsessed with that
He carried the war's curse
I want to break the strength of these rings
I have searched for a long time
He stole them long ago
And he brought war here
I first must destroy them
And then peace can come