He said to us over and over again: "She is mine!"
Yes you are making me laugh, my friend, yes you are making me laugh!"
Go away lad, - you are awfully drunk, -
But then you run up against, my friend, look you run up against!"
But he shouted: "Now I don't care!
Get into the taxi-cab - let's take a ride!
May the meter click - it doesn't make a difference
At the end of the way one has to pay."
I am not sorry for such chaps.
"Leave sin alone!" - I repeat again.
And he - to me, and always - about her ...
"And now - no word, my friend, look no word!"
With the wine got my blood into the temples -
And continuously smiling,
I told him softly "No matter whatsoever
At the end of the way one has to pay!"
For tears and requests I am deaf -
I desire to fight, oh how do I desire it!
Either if you want to, my friend, or if you don't want to, my friend, -
Pay the expenses, pay the expenses!
And life flashes by, like a silent film, -
I feel well, I want to smile, -
And the meter - clicks and clicks - yes never mind
At the end of the way one has to pay.