I can never keep a secret, and yet how did I manage?
I hushed to the strangers, I say'd all to my inner self,
This is a secret love; let no one hear about it.
I can never leave this path and yet, I long for the path.
Had it been for the fantasies? dreams on the other side,
I can not distinguish them, and yet I long for you.
Oh (beloved) you haven't an idea about any of these things.
All in our company will soon fall into sorrows,
Carry you on, fill up the drinks O bartender!
We will drink...
I can not break free, how can I go?
I have no strength left in me, find you an excuse.
Life keeps us back, and yet there is death at the end.
Don't ask me to halt here O morning! behold you the night!
Why is passing of the time, be any of your care?
Take a halt O my suffering!, no more there is to forbear ...