Many years ago
You left Leningrad
And flew like a bird.
And you brought back
Neither postcard nor pizza,
You brought me.
I'm your little sugar packet.
I have no salt and no pepper.
Keep me by your heart.
I'm your little sugar packet.
I'm the far lands' texture,
I'm your architecture.
In unmemorable year
You bought a cockatoo
From Bombay costermonger.
"Sorry, no date -
He said, getting a bit timid, -
There is only a little sugar packet. "
I'm your little sugar packet.
I have no salt and no pepper.
Keep me by your heart.
I'm your little sugar packet.
I'm a distant jungle messenger
And I'm almost of the same age as you.
In a Paris cabaret
You were lucky
To meet a brown-haired guy.
He offered you a wine,
And he wrote his phone number
On a little sugar packet:
Five, four, ten, seven.
I have no salt and no pepper.
An admirable brown-haired guy.
Keep me for hundred years.
Keep me by your heart.
I'm your little sugar packet.
I had a nightmare:
You boiled a kettle,
You arranged pastry in a circle,
And as if by accident
You, covered in sweet languor, ...
Put me to the tea!
I'm your little sugar packet.
I have no salt and no pepper.
We've been together for so many years.
We're dreams of far lands.
We keep memories.
There is nothing more beautiful than us.