We all want happiness
But what is happiness?
What is the meaning of happiness?
Tell me, your excellency1
Tell me, tell me .... tell me, tell me
We all want happiness
But what is happiness?
What is the meaning of happiness?
Tell me, your excellency1
Tell me, tell me .... tell me, tell me
Some people told me once that for souls
Happiness is something called Pound2
So, I started collecting and saving money
Till I felt myself a Bey3
Smiles are wherever I go
One with respect wipes my jacket,
Another one insults others for my sake,4
Another one makes a clown of himself5
Another opens doors for me
Another leaves me a space to sit beside
That was all hypocrisy, all for the money
It wasn't neither of sincerity, nor of free will
There is a price for every laughter, for every smile
Where is the happiness then?
Tell me, your excellency
Tell me, Tell me ... tell me, tell me
We all want happiness
But what is happiness?
What is the meaning of happiness?
Tell me, your excellency1
Tell me, tell me .... tell me, tell me
I thought it better to look for my second half
Happiness is in marriage
Finally I paid a good dowry
For my bride, for the housewares
One day we registered the marriage, the other was the wedding day
A week later we were disappointed by the differences
While I was telling her about love, she was complaining about laundry,
About the tailor and how the sleeves look so old fashioned
All what bothers her is Sednawi6 and fashion
What is striped and what is plain
But her husband.. he doesn't matter that much
Where is the happiness then?
Tell me, your excellency
Tell me, Tell me ... tell me, tell me
Tell me, Tell me ... tell me, tell me
1. a. b. c. صاحب السعادة
Means literally: the happiness owner. But it is used as an Arabic equivalent to YOUR EXCELLENCY2. the Egyptian currency3. an Egyptian old title given by the king4. insult those whom I hate as a sign of love5. to entertain me6. a well known brand in Egypt at the time of the original song