I'm sane
I'm enjoying my time but I have ache in my stomach
A couple of issues that bother me
Whose hand is in whose (pocket)*
Those bitches that don't do a job except to vandalise the world
Come, cross their path
But no need to fight
We have the courage
I'm the guard of the city
And my garden is the council
Lucifer cannot come any close
We'll give the punishment
I accept that we weren't perfect
But being unfair? thats not us
They make you feel bad but they're the devils and we're just people*
Streets are schools
Get closer to the good in the evilness
Speak your word out
We have superpowers
We can make your night darker
And make contract with the nightmares till we kill you off
Even the wolves that you trust will be afraid and run away
I pay for the moonlight, man!
I'll unplug it and they'll howl in their houses
We have men everywhere
Don't mess with people, don't talk nonesense
I'm sane
I'm enjoying my time but I have ache in my stomach
A couple of issues that bother me
Whose hand is in whose (pocket)
Those bitches that don't do a job except to vandalise the world
Come, cross their path
But no need to fight
We have the courage
I'm the guard of the city
And my garden is the council
Lucifer cannot come any close
We'll give the penalty
We waited when we were silent
We watched the enemy
Got our words ready
We have never been in fabor of seperation
We have never given up on unity
Never stopped
Never got afraid
Produced generations
We have superpowers
We can make your night darker
And make contract with the nightmares till we kill you off
Even the wolves that you trust will be afraid and run away
Our sins are fifty-fifty, we have men of every type
Some cry, some dance, some shake a leg
Don't mess with people, don't talk nonsense
For some, poems are written
Some go into come because of love
Some are high in head
Some are mourning