eah then the fear comes
I tried to play dead ball and the inner layer lost
When nobody of them ran, then it was free space
Learned that impossible is meaning more like maybe
When nobody of us believed, nobody would happen
I was maybe the tiniest and i missed two times
Hit at the last but nobody said go for it
Nobody had known that we could run together
Because i hit the line, but it did not die
Now is my brother playing the same as i played
Attending the same school but the dream is another
Hopes he was positive when the whole team smiled
that he thinks it is bulshitt and running as fuck
We lock ourselves into boxes
We dont dare to come out
Then the fear come and get us
(then the fear comes)
Think the guys out there have gotten black eyes
it is a long page black eye meant a damn shit (actually sign of spring)
palm under my chin when I'm dreaming myself away
the evil tongue say what befits
and you have lost, dont you understand that?
No I'm the dream I'm everything you didn't become
throw me from the mountain I am now in free fall
I see you in your box that you have the island to exempt a free taking
you are guilty to follow the rules, I owe nobody nothing
But i can say that I live motherfuckers
i make stones to gravel inside the fist
I see when I can catch the bus side or tv you know
We lock ourselves into boxes
We dont dare to come out
Then the fear come and get us
(then the fear comes))
This we know better, it isnt we that
should forget about us