Samurai up front
Butterfly in the web
Inside the lost city
My face is pale,
like a wolf under the moonlight,
like a taxi driver,
a truck without brakes,
like a fucking dealer
On the whore market
I do my business
I bash on and struggle
for my company.
I am jaded
with porn and pot
(going) against the wind
with clenched fists.
We're done for, as we
hide under the hood.
Damn it, sometimes
I'd just like to shoot
at random into the crowd.
Just a bullet in the head,
yours or mine,
to put and end to the storm.
I have no homies, no gang, no family
I have no god, just boxing gloves to burn life away
I have no homies, no gang, no family
I have no god, just boxing gloves to light up my nights
to light up my nights
to light up my nights
to light up my nights
On the whore market
I do my business
I bash on and struggle
for my company.
porn and pot
for sale to nobodies1
(going) against the wind
with clenched fists.
I'm but a street surfer
with stars beneath2
A forever bad trip
I should hit the road,
like a wolf in the moonlight
like a taxi driver,
a truck without brakes,
like a fucking dealer.
I'm but a rottweiler
among pittbulls,
a Beretta in my hand,
it's fire that possesses me.
I have fire in my heart
and fear in my guts too.
Damn it, sometimes,
I'd just like to shoot...
1. lit. "sons of nothing"2. or could be a poetic way of saying "beneath the stars"