And you..
You will go your way,
You will tell me who you are
Even if life here
Is not the same
As I would like it.
But you..
You will grow up strong,
Maybe you will fall in love
Even if love..
I don't know any more what it is
It's not the same
As it was before.
I know
That outside..
Yesterday a rose was born.
If I follow you, oh, yes,
I will find pure seas
Where the rivers flow
Which will return to the blue
Like the rain which satiesfies our hearts...
And you
Then you will become a woman,
So much life behind you,
You will protect me,
I wil be more fragile
But still the same.
I know
That outside..
Yesterday a rose was born.
If I follow you, oh, yes,
I will find pure seas
Where the rivers flow
Which will return to the blue
Like the rain which satiesfies our hearts...
In your future
There will be a soulmate and it will be the best.
Yesterday a rose was born...
And you will have new hopes and dreams,
And love again..
I know
That outside..
Yesterday a rose was born.
If I follow you, oh, yes,
I will find pure seas
Where the rivers flow
Which will return to the blue
Like the rain which satiesfies our hearts...
I know..
Yesterday a rose was born...
I know it....