Something is going to happen -- my heart is melting, I'm different1
Teach me to play, but not in love
That was the case, there were encounters til dawn
I wanted to, I found you alone
The intrigue tightened on us
Such a wild2 Riga
And I have drunken more of your love
But it doesn't work, and I don't need it
From a turquoise glance
And the sky -- in the color of fall leaves,
I will grow warm
The intrigue tightened on us
Such a wild Riga
By your love,
Though it doesn't work, and I don't need it,
(From a turquoise glance)
I will grow warm
The old city knows something, but is silent
It doesn't talk and its breathing is sleeping
All the secrets we will leave for later
The days, the poets only know that we're together
Something is going to happen -- my heart is melting, the sky is null3
Teach me to play, but not in love
That was the case, there were encounters til dawn
I wanted to, I found you alone
1. As AN60SH explained to me, she is saying she will be different, for whatever is about to happen2. the word is more lit. "drunken" but used here in the figurative sense3. null/zero -- as AN60SH explained, "what Sveta has in mind is a mystery, perhaps, the moon is "zero" (not visible), maybe nothing can be seen in the sky..."