"For mortal men there is but one hell, and that is the folly and wickedness and spite of his fellows."
Rapt-Rape-Rapture! Rapt-Rape-Rapture of the soul!
Rapt of the heart from the body Rape
Rapt rapture of life rapture of death
Little brain in scattered splinters!
Put the unworthy Father’s eyes of glass out!
Without any other choice fall in lovehoolie
With the only One who beckons us here.
Runtish disowned foetus…
Of the Adversary’s dismembered flower,
With the gift of life: wipe your arse.
Then stifle their chuckles
With the toilet paper!
It’s your turn to sully.
The inexistence of Sense, you substitute it with
A fanaticism of the senses that debase
The pageantry of the Logos.
The frigid universe in its vast cesspit
Will incubate you in him as its negation,
The black mirror, the homicidal conscience
Of all that is.
Bardic adept of all that hates,
Flayed flaying, canker of God.
Give back immediately
That which they have given to you!
Hungrily retake
That which they stole from you!
Between losing and being lost,
Opt for losing yourself through the destruction of others.