Make it so that I soon sing
the things that you are.
Let me stop the time
that dances between us.
Let it be like breathing
for as long as you are here
my greeting to the day
so that one never lets
the other go.
I would like
that my journey
of a great wanderer
ended with you,
and, for us,
would become like breathing
that having loved each other,
annulled, divided,
chased each other, fulfilled.
I want for it to be like breathing
the love between us
to not bend ourselves inside
to give more of ourselves.
Let it be like breathing
for as long as you are here
my greeting to the day
so that one doesn't let the other go.
I would like
that my journey
of a great wanderer
ended with you,
and, for us,
would become like breathing
that having loved each other,
annulled, divided,
chased each other, fulfilled.
And I would like
that every time
that you’re looking for something
you would look for me
and, for us,
would become like breathing
our song,
would become like breathing
the very same memory of us.
I want for it to be like breathing
the love between us
to not bend ourselves inside,
to give more of ourselves.
Let it be like breathing
for as long as you are here
my greeting to the day
so that one never lets
the other go.