There were fires,none of them wormed
white snows,but never blizzard(?!)
my life went by dry river without water
you don't pay on bridge,but you pay on cuprija
jer senka sudbine uvek te prati/because shadow of destiny is always following you
and gives you someone who is like yourself
How sent you to me
doesn't want you back
you are redunant for someone
why are you the only one for me
It's hard for me to love you
it's hard to be a woman
but the hardest of all is
be born for you(like "to be one for you")
There were some secrets,but none of them exsposed
and sweet heaven,for someone else to enjoy
I was a bird on wind of glass wings
you don't pay on bridge,but you pay on cuprija
because shadow of destiny is always following you
and gives you someone who is like yourself
I haven't heard for a long time question
"Why don't you smile,"little"?"
so I smile to stop myself crying