Wooden arms
Keys for fingers
Ropes for tendons
Agitate us
Agitate me
Play the arpeggio
Saturate the sound
Which of us two
Inspires the other?
Yes, I play
Of a sixth limb
In the form
Of your hips
Belly to belly
Elegant companion
Which of us two
Inspires the other?
Which of us two
Upsets the other?
Upsets the other?
Broken* sometimes
Full of doubts
I claw at you
Lacerate you
Full things capsize
Often, I've wanted
To cut your corners
To forget you
As a found object
I apprehend you
I guard you
I pose you
At my neck
Following after my voice
Inspire me
Envelop us
Embrace me
Magnificent shrillness
Dreamlike at times
Fictional limb
Electric feline friend
Oh, yes