What will it be
That beats near my body
That stirs my mind
And forces it
To swing?
What will it be
That put on my head a finger
Of fire
And gave me the possibility
To think?
Why did he set his eyes on me?
With what luck can I feel
This world going within me
Mysteriously going with the wind?
What will it be?
What will become of me?
What will it be?
What will become of you?
Where is he going
Strange walker owner
Of the time
That suddenly brings me to think
About age?
Where is he going
Silently carrying the wind
With his breath, powerful, brutal
Precisely being small?
That is your goodness
And your wings that make me laugh
And your wings that make me cry
What will become of me?
What will it be? Why?
Who spun
This world?
Who will it stop it?
What will it be?
What will become of me?
What will it be?
What will become of you?