He has known me for only two days
but he wants to go for a walk with me
he insists
not tomorrow but today
in the park in the shade of the trees
he would like to kiss me
hey boy, don't hurry up.
The time for this will come
the time will come, the time will come
for walks in a summer night
but first come to our house
talk about the future with me.
Bring flowers once,
twice and thrice
sometimes chocolates too
spending time together
should be enough for you.
Before the twilight comes with its melody
you would like to embrace me by your shoulder again.
The time for this will come
The time will come, the time will come
for walks in a summer night
but first my dear check
if my mum likes you.
Drop in once,
twice and thrice
talk with my father about whatever you want
don't shake your head impatiently
this is the order of things.
He brings bouquets every day
he doesn't have words for the mum
his kisses are the sweetest
so I ask him again
after how many days
the wedding will make our dreams come true
he replied me with a smile:
The time for this will come
the time will come, the time will come
for living together
but first be cautious
I must learn your character
I must check once,
twice and thrice
if you really love me
if you cook the way I like
if you will find time for everything
so be ready for an acid test
and abandon the thought of a close wedding
The time for this will come
the time will come, the time will come
for the glitter of golden wedding rings
but convince me that
you will care for me later.
I must check once,
twice and thrice
if you really love me
don't shake your head impatiently
this is the order of things.
How he torments me
Surely, he knows me, surely, he knows