...Feeling your feet
desiring to walk...
...Feeling your eyes desiring
to see...
And, despite that, keeping staying
prisoner of a world
which only lets us dream...
just dream.
If you weren't here, I'd go away.
If you weren't here, I wouldn't be
prisoner of the world.
...Feeling your heart
desiring to love...
...Feeling your throat desiring
to scream...
And, despite that, shutting yourself off
and being prisoner of a world
which only lets us dream...
just dream.
Oh no!
If you weren't here, I'd go away.
If you weren't here, I'd leave:
I wouldn't be prisoner
of anyone and anything.
I would be a man who does
what he feels!
Oh no!
If you weren't here, I'd go away.
If you weren't, I wouldn't be
prisoner of the world.