If ever you look at our old pictures
Forget hard words that've been said
Admit as I do that we were two crazies
And call*
Because of old times, we could drink coffee
As we used to, we could take a walk along the Sava
You could hug [me] at once like we used to
And kiss [me]
Tell me of love
Take me to heaven
To feel once again
That someone needs me
Tell me of love
That is not cheating
Remind me once again
Of the old times
Once you get bored with unfinished stories
When a voice in your head shouts your name
Once you do not know what to do with yourself
Sometimes we could stop by the old Saloon
Dusted off old albums
We could hug the way we used to,
And dance.
Tell me of love
Take me to heaven
To feel once again
That someone needs me
Tell me of love
That is not cheating
Remind me once again
Of the old times
Remind me once again
Of the old times