I did not have again again the information
Will contact to the reception
I turn and turn to the imperfection
Will signal every progression
I implicate the same decision
Why change which revolution
I choke to the least "if we"
Reborn non stop an only decision
My life is falling down and my lack of impression
Puts me under emptiness protects me from divisions
I did not have again again the information
Will contact to the reception
I aspire to become I have ambition
Convoyed to be at the reception
But I turn to the imperfection
Will signal every progression
I implicate the same decision
Why change which revolution
I say like everybody I can't do anything
I recognise that we are well
I say like everybody and for nothing
Will not change I am well
All of this for a yes for a no
I still linger without intuition
All of that for a yes for a no
I still linger without intuition
I did not have again the information
Will contact to the reception
I turn and turn to the imperfection
Will signal every progression