Monday - weird day
Tuesday - unfinished
and then comes Wednesday, she's got no clothes... I vaguely remember
Thursday - goes in a rush
Friday - ready to fall
and Saturday going urgently, Sunday I'm absent
What am-I doing? What Am-I doing in my life?
Why did-I come to trouble my silence
Why couldn't I, why couldn't I sit anymore
half in me, half in you
Monday - lucid abstract
Tuesday - a little shy
and then comes Wednesday, and I'm dousing drink as it can enter my mouth
Thursday - got a big head
Friday - got no legs
but Saturday I'm becoming sympathetic, Sunday I'm galactic
Monday - I'm missing you
Tuesday doesn't come anymore
but Wednesday's coming and I'm pink dreaming... of winning the lottery
Thursday I'm ok with myself
Friday still comes
And Saturday I'm drinking, Sunday I'm on the ground
What am-I doing? What Am-I doing in my life?
Why did-I come to trouble my silence
Why couldn't I, why couldn't I sit anymore
half in me, half in you
What am-I doing? What Am-I doing in my life?
Why did-I come to trouble my silence
Why couldn't I, why couldn't I sit anymore
half in me, half in you
It's Monday, still Monday, Monday again
It's Monday
what a crappy day, why would-I dress
when you're with me
Why... Who am I gonna fight with, who am I gonna face
when you're with me, you're with me, when you're with me,