Love doesn't end
just because [we] say goodbye
one must bear in mind
that absence
doesn't cancel out the memory
nor does it buy oblivion
nor does it erase us from the map
the [fact that] you're not here
doesn't separate you from me
the less I have you
the more I remember you even if I want to forget you
you're on my mind
and I ask myself 1000 times
Why is love so cruel?
that it doesn't let me forget
that it forbids me from thinking
that it ties me up and unties me and then it slowly kills me
it throws me away and picks me up and then it hurls me again
Why is love so cruel?
that it doesn't let me forget
because even if you're not here
it gets into my blood,
and it goes from corner to corner
clawing at my soul
and tearing up my heart
Why is love so cruel?
Love doesn't end
Just because you're not here
Our story cannot be erased just like that
It would mean killing our memories and burning our glories
que no me deja olvidar
que me ata y desata y luego de a poco me mata
que no me deja olvidar
se mete en mi sangre,
arañándome el alma
¿Por qué es tan cruel el amor?
que no me deja olvidar
que me ata y desata y luego de a poco me mata