Because by loving you so much
my heart skipped a beat one winter day
a puddle of tears wet my loneliness
Because by loving you to so much I forgot about me
Because by dreaming so much of you
one day I woke up and saw your absence
on one side of the bed that wasn't wrinkled
because by dreaming so much of you I forgot about me
Because by looking for you so much
I ended up not finding me
I ended up lost in the street of sorrow
because by looking for you so much i forgot about me
because by thinking so much of you
I was left without a reason to forget you
you left the door to my future locked under key
because by thinking so much of you I forgot about me
because by loving you so much, because by dreaming of you so much,
because by looking for you so much, because by thinking of you so much,
my life passed and I didn't even notice
on cold nights
the interrogation is a recurrence
if it's been worth it waiting for you to return
because by loving you so much i forgot to live
because by loving you so much, because by dreaming of you so much,
because by looking for you so much, because by thinking of you so much,
I let my life pass
and I didn't even notice.
because by loving you so much I've resigned to live alone
the empty space you left will never be filled by anyone
even though if by loving you so much
I even forgot about you