Does my love bother you?
My young love,
And my love is the virtue of art.
Does my love bother you?
My maskless love,
And my love is a peace art.
My love is my enchanted garment,
Is my extensive dwelling,
Is my endless space.
My love doesn't need a border line
As spring doesn't prefer a garden.
My love isn't a market's love
Because a bleeding love
Is not a lucrative love.
My love is all I have,
If I deny it or sell it
Why to keep breathing?
Does my love bother you?
My humanity love,
And my love is an art in its age.
Does my love bother you?
My suppliers love
My love isn't love of only one
But it's the soul of everything
That needs to be healed.
My love is a love from below
That destiny brought me
To make it raise.
My love, the most in love one,
Is also forgotten in its old pain.
My love opens its chest to death
Precipitates its luck
With a better time.
My love, my courageous love
Its a bright sun
To whomever deserves love.