I remember how it was after the war
Into a suitcase
The skeleton Quickly to find a new flat Better
Across the river Keep avoiding that girl
I mean that new your new
I mean that new your new
Girl wonderful
I remember how it was after the war
To once again breakfast to learn
Bathtub to fill about a half more
Not to have to cover of duvets two sets
Precisely I remember this place after the war
Not even then was it mine
Time isn't isn't time isn't isn't
Everything happens simultaneously that is the only
Time isn't isn't time isn't isn't
Everything happens simultaneously that is the only... explanation
I remember that silence after the war
The more
We know ourselves the less we control ourselves*
Than this I'll leave that up to that girl
I mean that new your new
I mean that new your new
Girl wonderful
I remember how it was after the war
A chunk of the body
As if I forgot somewhere
Just to wipe your dust trace off mine
And then to get you of the blood circulation
I remember this place after the war
The way away I found at the first try
Time isn't isn't time isn't isn't
Everything happens simultaneously that is the only
Time isn't isn't time isn't isn't
Everything happens simultaneously that is the only... explanation
Now after five years
I look at it differently
I don't speak of you anymore well nor badly
Time changes changes us changes changes
Nothing is more than temporarily that is the only
Time changes changes us changes changes
Nothing is more than temporarily that is the only... explanation