We said let's meet up in 10 years
Same day, same hour, same people
Let's see what it's like at 30 years old
On the steps of the Place des Grands Hommes1
The day came and so did I
But I don't want to be the first
What if we had nothing to tell each other, what if what if
I'm walking around the neighborhood
It's crazy how this spring dusk
Resembles the dusk of ten years ago
Sidewalks are worn out by the lowered gazes
What have I done with these years?
I didn't sail calmly on the water
I didn't swim with the wind in my back
Last street now, rue Soufflot
How many will be there, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0?
We said let's meet up in 10 years
Same day, same hour, same people
Let's see what it's like at 30 years old
On the steps of the Place des Grands Hommes
I had so often wanted her
Will the beautiful Séverine look at me?
Eric wanted to explore the subconscious
Does he come back to the surface from time to time?
I'm a bit scared of going through the mirror
What if I didn't go, let's say I got the day wrong
Looking at the window of an antique shop
I imagine the reunion of friendship
You haven't changed, what have you become?
You got married, you have three kids
You made it, you are a doctor
And you Pascale, do you still laugh over nothing?
We said let's meet up in 10 years
Same day, same hour, same people
Let's see what it's like at 30 years old
On the steps of the Place des Grands Hommes
I've known high tides and low tides,
Like you, like you, like you
I was met with storms and hurricanes
Like you, like you, like you
Every dead love was followed by a new one
And you, and you, and you?
And you Marco who only wanted to be happy in life
Did you win your bet?
And you François, and you Laurence, and you Marion,
And you Gégé... and you Bruno, and you Évelyne?
Wow, it's wonderful guys
We've told each other everything, we are shaking hands
We can't put 10 years on a table
Like the letters of a Scrabble
On the windows I see the reflection
Of a high schooler behind me
If she goes left, I'll follow her
If she goes right... wait for me !
Wait for me! Wait for me! Wait for me!
We said let's meet up in 10 years
Same day, same hour, same people
Let's see what it's like at 30 years old
See if we have become great men2
Great men... great men
Hey, how about we meet up in 10 years...
1. place in Paris facing the Panthéon, popular student place2. "grands hommes" literally