I'm wandering at the seashore beaten by rain
Like Phantom with his dog Devil
Something has injured me in a sensitive spot
And faithful Hero is taking me back to home
This shore has been a paradise
A homeland to thousands of love songs
The knife of destiny is deep within my chest
And the Crux is waving at me from the sky
I'm wandering on a deserted island as a pistol hero
The sophisticated west wants me as their symbol
I'm working as a ferryman on a deserted island
I know something that will destroy hero roles
I'm working as a ferryman on a deserted island
I know something that will destroy hero roles
Rising tide brings mail from world
I'm used to reading emergency calls
Family albums that have turned yellow
Crosswords solved by the lonely
It's morning again and I watch at the horizon
I can't believe my eyes
Boundless amounts of ferries
Hero and Devil are there beside me
I'm wandering on a deserted island as a pistol hero
The sophisticated west wants me as their symbol
I'm working as a ferryman on a deserted island
I know something that will destroy hero roles
I'm working as a ferryman on a deserted island
I know something that will destroy hero roles