In the beginning of time, the sea gathered so that the waterless became visible.
The world was dark and lifeless, until the lights rose to separate the day from the night, so being the mark of time.
After the earth was formed, Raven and Crow were born.
The twins rose against each other, in the height of the sky.
And so the Crow gave life to the sea and Raven was left alone to rule the above.
Raven took another form to find what he had lost.
In the passing of time, the sea became barren. The Fisherman sat and waited for millenia...
But the sea stayed empty and black...
If you knew my mind
My thoughts and my soul
If you heard my heart
The meaning of it's beating
Change hangs in the air
Tearing you away with roots in tow
Not asking, but telling
And the crazy person obeys
And claims that he had no other choise
That even though we fought
It was lost immediately
A storm is shaking the room
Like a trash in the wind
I'm in it's plier grip
Even if you would like it, I won't cry
When I'm burying a stillborn
Dream of that
Which was drawn as love
The decision seems the hardest part
It becomes easier
Once you release your hands
A storm is shaking the room
Like a trash in the wind
I'm in it's plier grip
These days are so
And I don't know how to get out of this with my own feet
Life gives you no warning sticker
And even if it did
Who follows them
A storm is shaking the room
Like a trash in the wind
I'm in it's plier grip
The storm disciplines the man now
And from it's foundation
Knocks over the room