Pichi, the brazen boy 1 that seduces
girls from Portillo to Arganzuela 2
because there´s not a comely lass
that won´t be delighted to be friends
with Yours Truly right here.
But me, I save the best of myself
and when some girl gets too close,
she´d better be showing me the cash
or I´ll box her across the mouth,
because dealing those lasses pain,
I´m a punisher like no other.
Pichi, the brazen boy that seduces
girls from Portillo to Arganzuela
because there´s not a comely lass
that won´t be delighted to be friends with me,
because I´m such a punisher.
I spare no efforts,
I educate and structure them
and then pinch a pretty penny from them
to spend on my own vices
and walk out, proud as a Lord.
Go, go, find someone to do your curls
and make you a fine permanent wave hairstlye,
and apply cold cream 3 to smooth you out.
You can beg a young posh lad to pay for it,
because the woman that can coax anything from me has not been born yet.
Go and spin yourself and your "permanent wave" silly,
and if you get too hot, gulp it down with Seltz water!
Pichi, to me you are
the be all, end all of men,
and I know some lasses out there
that are desperate for your love.
But me, you won´t touch!
Because I damn well don´t feel like it!
I´m a piece of work, me!
Go, go, find someone to do your curls
and make you a fine permanent wave hairstlye,
and apply cold cream to smooth you out.
You can beg a young posh lad to pay for it,
because the woman that can coax anything from me has not been born yet.
Go and spin yourself and your "permanent wave" silly,
and if you get too hot, gulp it down with Seltz water!
1. "Chulo" is a coloquial way of saying "vain" or "arrogant" when used as andjetvie. When used as a noun, a "chulo" or "chulapo" was young man from XIXth century or ealy XXth century Madrid, characterized by a particular way of dressing (Sara Montiel in the video uis dressed as one) and a typical arrogant, self-satisfied and impudent attitude that often made them be presented as adventurous womanizers. Up to this day, on the patron saint festivities, lots of young Madrid males go out on the street dressed as "Chulos"2. Neighbourhoods from Madrid 3. Type of cosmetic creme made of cetacean lard, sweet almonds and aromatic plants