Eight of them-two of us, the fight plans
Don't suit us, but we will play!
*Serezha, hold on! We have no chance,
But we need to equalise tramp cards today.
This square of the sky, I'll not neglect-
The numbers now not important to me at all:
Today my friend protecting my back,
That means- our chances are equal.
The "messer" * jumped on my tail, but here's it started to smoke,
With anguish the propellers were howling,-
They don't even need the crosses on the graves-
It's good enough the crosses on the wings!
I'm-"The First", I'm-"The First", they under your plane!
To cut them off I'll try!
I'll cover you, hide in the clouds, kill the flame!
There is no miracles in the *dogfight.
Sergei, you're burning! Trust, man,
Your straps now, they are reliable!
No, it's too late, the "messer" coming towards my front,-
I'll take him head on, farewell!..
I know, someone else will even the score,-
But sliding among the clouds,
Like two planes our souls will soar,-
After all, they can't be each other without.
Archangel will tell us:" It will be hard in heaven!"
But as soon as the gate behind will slam,-
I' will ask God:" Do enter me and my friend
In some sort of angelic regiment!"
And I'll ask God, the Spirit and the Son,-
So he can make easy my plight:
Let my friend for eternity cover my back, as he done,
Like in that final dogfight!
We will ask God to give us wings and arrows, a lot,-
After all, they in need of angel-ace,-
And if they have many fighter pilots-
Let them enlist as custodians us!
It's also a matter of honor to keep others save,-
To bear good luck on the wing everywhere
As we were, when alive, me and Sergei
On the land as well as in the air