There stand palaces, there stand train stations
And manufacturing buildings
And manufacturing buildings
The addresses which I could name.
But without me, but without me
There would be nothing standing here
There would be nothing standing here
If it were that I did not exist
The great dam stands in all its glory
A frenzied stream will surge
A frenzied stream will surge
The river generates current
But without me, but without me
No current would be generated
No current would be generated
If it were that I did not exist
Farewell our Earth, the time has come
A rocket flies into the heavens
A rocket flies into the heavens
And brings wonder across the world.
But without me, but without me
There would be nothing flying here
There would be nothing flying here
If it were that I did not exist
And who am I? - a simple worker
A friendly family man
A friendly family man
I live, as you, in the Space Race.
But without me, but without me
The sun wouldn't rise in the morning
The sun wouldn't rise in the morning
If it were that I did not exist