Tell this Harry Potter, if you suddenly met him
Harry, hi, how're you, fellow
Hope you didn't lose your mind yet
All our brotherhood praise you
From this dumb swamps
We are surrounded by only Muggles,
Their faces are so evil and impudent
And you as usually just sit in your England,
Bailing on anything else.
Harry, fly to us sooner, we need you
Because our Indestructable Union is totally destroyed,
And from every bald spot, every lug
They pump out oil and gas
For the God's Will and according to a plan
Soon you all will be taken on a scaffold,
Please, take your magic wand
To hit them between their eyes
Harry, it seems to be not so normal
Life is like a swing - it goes up, then down,
So, buddy, when mining bitcoins
Don't forget about us
Don't forget and feel it, magician,
How a collar press a neck,
Don't forget us, do you hear, hermit?
Leave your Parnassus sometimes!
Harry, I know, you will hear,
Going to go to our lands,
How we're calling you to come, could you
Take single malt in a duty-free shop?
No matter - by a broom or by a tram
Rush to us, we're going on an edge,
Under He Who Must Not Be Named
(Although it's Voldemort)
Harry, tribunes are emprty, as you see,
And fans will not start a brawl anymore,
Nobody plays quidditch now,
We are all almost died out.
Muggles become totally impudent, Harry,
World got darker from smoke and cinder,
If you could see all this muzzles,
You would broke your own glasses.
Harry, it seems to be not so normal
Life is like a swing - it goes up, then down,
So, buddy, when mining bitcoins
Don't forget about us
Don't forget and feel it, magician,
How a collar press a neck,
Don't forget us, do you hear, hermit?
Leave your Parnassus sometimes!
Harry, I tell you goodbye right here,
How to say it... like a poet to a poet,
Let me finish this in one couplet
Before I say "Adieu!"
Yesterday a king, fool of coolness a proud, was walking,
And a boy said: "A king is naked!"
And boy's head was immediately broken by a leg,
And he is under an investigation now.
Now he's not drinking lemonad from a bottle,
Now he sits sometimes in Kresty, sometimes in Butyrka prisons,
He wrinkles his forehad and scratches his nape,
But can't understand - why?
For what we got all of this, tell, Potter Harry,
Scratch off all socrerer's stone's edges
Drinking your beer, eating your curry,
Watching this world from behind the curtains
Harry, it seems to be not so normal
Life is like a swing - it goes up, then down,
So, buddy, when mining bitcoins
Don't forget about us
Don't forget and feel it, magician,
How a collar press a neck,
Don't forget us, do you hear, hermit?
Leave your Parnassus sometimes!