An old boat, tied from the top, swaying a bit
And the stones under my feet are not moving
I would want to stay still like that some years and never to stop
In the face the last rays of sunlight that will set soon
And when the evenings fall and then sweets wrap us up
We fall asleep and then the dreams come in very quietly
As the careful doctors who cure us
Or as true friends who understand us
A veil shines white at the skyline and the boys laugh
I am sorry that the thoughts of my time influence me
I am not able to have myths neither heroes, I am a myth for me
I know that a beautiful new suit cannot make me happy
And when the evenings fall and then sweets wrap us up
We fall asleep and then the dreams come in very quietly
As the great artists who touch us
Or as the sweet lovers who love us
Even the lovers stop after the hot kisses
The time passes in hurry and it is a pity, I never get bored
I want to colour the days and the hours, all the time that I have
Every time has its music, its voices, but the silence is always like that