I was staning there happy and alone
free and innocent
and she was kissing you
and I dont know why she seemed to be sad
And what I wanted so much
I still can't see
but I started
to envy her for having you
I knew everything about you
I feel on your icy chest
only stone is beating there
where you kiss the skin is cracking
I knew everything and I agreed to everything
I only shined once
love is not everything you see
so be careful who you envy
I was standing there happy and alone
and I could continue that way for at least half century
but when happiness becomes boring to one
trouble is waiting behind the corner
my dear we knew (lit. oko moje = my eye)
very well what we're doing
that we're seeking in vain
what we already have
And that tomorrow I'll be alone again
and that morning changes everything
I knew everything, but the heart is beating
even when it's broken