Transport, train station hall
Travel goes by
You turn around, quickly
Ultimate direction which brings you north
You reach the plarform, packing a firearm
You see a woman and you pierce her head
Revenge, hatred, evening violence
You see day in the black
You see day in the black
('press, 'press, 'press, Orient Express heading towards Moscow)
(Orient express, Orient Express, 'press, 'press heading towards Moscow)
('press, 'press, 'press, 'press, ticket 'press ticket for Moscow)
(By Orient Express, 'press, 'press, 'press, 'press, 'press, ticket ticket)
Ticket to Moscow by taking the Orient Express
You take it
And stay on the lookout for any detail
You continue your journey, step by step
You follow this woman who pierces your head
Roland M, culprit of the evening
You fear your new power
You fear your new power