Field is freezing
Horse died
Hayfork bent and broke
Cowshed is crumbling
Chisel plough is rusting
Wife jumped into an AIV foddery grave
Bull can't get a hard on
Moo-cows won't put out
Rooster's snoozing till noon
Oat won't grow
Stinks of shit
Gimme subsidies or I'll shoot
Country's leaders are brainless and headless
Bailiff took
the moonshine distillery
Kicked the shit out of it along the yard
Brats are screaming
for oat meal
Though there's not even a drop of booze
Country's leaders are brainless and headless
Heads off or hang 'em
Heads off or hang 'em
Heads off or hang 'em
That's what I think
Heads off or hang 'em
Heads off or hang 'em
Heads off or hang 'em
Country's leaders are brainless