On the threshold of my twenties
I was easy to get..
Being a vagabond was the thing those days
I don't even want to recall everything..
I wanted to, well, try it all
Forbidden fruit calling from all sorts of branches
Now I'm regretting it, yes
But what did I know?
You were but a girl...
There was your ponytail, flying like a butterfly...
It would've all had a different meaning...
I would have breathed life differently...
If I had known you'd existed...
Perhaps I had, without knowing, stepped before the same shopwindow, as you
Perhaps we had both got off a train somewhere?
Perhaps you'd been so close,
Passed through my street
And perhaps we'd passed over each other, for a single moment?
Now I'm regretting it, yes
But what did I know?
You were but a girl...
Far-off my sight, and my pen...
It would've all had a different meaning...
I wouldn't have been writing songs to every girl...
If I had known you'd existed...
It would've all had a different meaning...
I'd have disappeared from that crowd
And no one could've guessed what I was up to
I would've known where to find peace...
Would've hidden in the secret monastery...
Waiting for you to grow up