On the threshold of my twenties
I was easy to get
there were modern vagabonds of that days
I don't even want to remember all of that
You know, i wanted to try everything
forbidden fruit called me from all kinds of branches..
Yes, now i regret,
but what did i knew then?
you were just a little girl
your tuft was flying on the wind like a butterfly..
Everything would have some differrent meaning
i would breathe life much differently
if i knew you exist my Olivera
Maybe i stood in front of same shop window
with you, not knowing that..
Maybe we got out from the same train together not knowing that?
Maybe you were so close to me
passed by through my street..
and maybe we pass over next to each other on the momment..
who knows?
Yes, now i regret,
but what did i knew then?
you were just a little girl..
away from my eyes, and my pen
Everything would have some differrent meaning
I would not write songs to every girl i know..
if i just knew you exist my olivera
Everything would have some differrent meaning
i would steal you from the crowd
and no one would know what i am up to..
I would know where i can find my peace
i would hide in the secret monastery
and wait for you to grow up..