You are just as
I ‘d like to be
My love
Without any fear
You always do
What you want with me
just in my way
Without any resentment
When I’m falling, you’re mine
When I’m climbing back, you’re mine
Let it be so
As I’d like
Each instant of mine
You are just as
I ‘d like to be
My love
Without any fear
You always do
What you want with me
just In my way
Without any resentment
When I’m falling, you’re mine
When I’m climbing back, you’re mine
When I want some more, you’re mine
When I don’t ask for anything else
You’re still mine
Let it be so
As I’d like
Each instant of mine
Each instant of mine
Each instant of mine
When I look for some more, you’re mine
When I don’t ask for anything else
You’re still mine
Let it be so
As I’d like
Each instant of mine
Each instant of mine
Each instant of mine